My take: Some gruesome scenes, but not enough of a story to hold my interest.
Rating: 2 out of 4 stars
According to the all-knowing source known as Wikipedia, Blood and Black Lace ( Sei donne per l’assassino in the original Italian) inspired some of my favorite filmmakers, Tarantino and Scorsese included. But I just don’t see it. To me, this movie was an excuse to show some attractive models getting murdered.
Blood and Black Lace is about a bunch of models who are working at a fashion house. When one gets murdered, tensions quickly rise. Another girl finds dead girl’s diary, and everyone wants a piece of that book. It turns out that they all have secrets, but the murderer is willing to kill to keep his or her identity hidden.

I think it is safe to say that their modeling careers are over. – spoken by Lenny Briscoe if he were at the scene
This movie is full of tropes from the giallo films of the 1960s and 70s. Giallo films were a wave of crime thrillers, and this is one of the earliest of them. While normally I can forgive the tropes in an early film, I could not get past it in this film. Perhaps it was the dubbed voice track. Perhaps it was the overacting.
What the film did have going for it were some good, solid death scenes. For this reason, I would still recommend this movie to people who like crime thrillers, giallo films and Italian horror.
I got a copy of Blood and Black Lace on disc from Netflix. Here’s the trailer, which makes it sound a lot better than it actually is:
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